Category Archives: Agendas

July 18, 2016 Commission Agenda

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1. CALL TO ORDER a. Roll Call b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. PRESENTATION a. Vicki Hubin – Western KS Advocacy Center 4. CONSENT AGENDA a. 7/11/16 Special Commission Meeting Minutes b. Appropriation Ordinances, 2016-14; 2016-14A; 2016-P14 5. ORDINANCES a. Ordinance 1693: WSUV, MU

July 11, 2016 Special Commission Meeting Agenda

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To the Goodland City Commissioners:   A Special Meeting of the City Commission is hereby called to be held on Monday July 11, 2016 at 5:00 P.M. in the City Commission Room, 204 W. 11th Street, Goodland, KS.  The object of said special meeting is to discuss the following:   CALL TO ORDER Roll Ca

July 5, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT   PRESENTATION 2015 Audit Report   CONSENT AGENDA 6/20/16 Commission Meeting Minutes 6/28/16 Special Commission Meeting Minutes 6/29/16 Special Commission Meeting Minutes 6/30/16 Special Commission Meeting Minutes Appropr

June 20, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT   CONSENT AGENDA 6/6/16 Special Commission Work Session Minutes 6/6/16 Commission Meeting Minutes 6/14/16 Special Commission Work Session Minutes 6/14/16 Special Commission Work Session Budget Minutes Appropriation Ordinances,

June 6, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT Julie McCauley   PRESENTATION Patrick Gleason – Community Partners for Prevention and Education (CCPE), Pathways to a Healthy Kansas   PUBLIC HEARING Unfit Structure – 415 Sherman Avenue   CONSENT AGENDA 5/1

May 16, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT   PROCLAMATION Run for The Wall Day – May 20, 2016   CONSENT AGENDA 5/2/16 Commission Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2016-10; 2016-10A; 2016-P10   ORDINANCES None   RESOLUTIONS Resolution 1477: Au

May 2, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT   PROCLAMATION Arbor Day, May 3, 2016   CONSENT AGENDA 4/18/16 Commission Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2016-09; 2016-09A; 2016-P09   ORDINANCES None   RESOLUTIONS Resolution 1476 – Unfit Structu

April 18, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT   CONSENT AGENDA 4/4/16 Commission Meeting Minutes 4/13/16 Commission Special Work Session Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2016-08; 2016-08A; 2016-P08   ELECTION OF MAYOR AND VICE MAYOR   ORDINANCES None   RESOL

April 4, 2016 Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance   PUBLIC COMMENT   PRESENTATION   CONSENT AGENDA 3/21/16 Commission Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2016-07; 2016-07A; 2016-P07   ORDINANCES None   RESOLUTIONS None   FORMAL ACTIONS Approval of Contract Mowing Bid