
Resolution 1594: Levy a Property Tax Exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate

Resolution 1594: Levy a Property Tax Exceeding the Revenue Neutral Rate

website_admin Resolutions

A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GOODLAND, KANSAS TO LEVY A PROPERTY TAX RATE EXCEEDING THE REVENUE NEUTRAL RATE; WHEREAS, the Revenue Neutral Rate for the City of Goodland was calculated as 45.811 mills by the Sherman County Clerk; and WHEREAS, the proposed estimated tax rate is 48.876, which is

August 29, 2022 Joint Entity Meeting Minutes

August 29, 2022 Joint Entity Meeting Minutes

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Mayor Aaron Thompson called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard, Commissioner Ann Myers, Commissioner Jason Showalter and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call.  Sherman County Commission Chairman Steve Evert called meeting to order with County Commissioner Rod Bla

August 15, 2022 Commission Minutes

August 15, 2022 Commission Minutes

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Mayor Aaron Thompson called the meeting to order with Vice-Mayor J. J. Howard, Commissioner Jason Showalter, and Commissioner Brook Redlin responding to roll call.  Commissioner Ann Myers was reported absent. Also present were Dustin Bedore – Director of Electric Utilities, Frank Hayes â€

September 7, 2022 Construction Board of Trades & Appeals Agenda

website_admin Important Notices

Call to Ordera. Roll CallPublic CommentConsent Agendaa. Approval of 07-06-22 Meeting Minutesb. Approval of 08-03-22 Meeting MinutesDiscussiona. Review of 2018 International Existing Building CodeReportsAdjournment

September 6, 2022 Commission Agenda

September 6, 2022 Commission Agenda

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CALL TO ORDERRoll CallPledge of AllegiancePUBLIC HEARING2023 Budget to Exceed Revenue Neutral Rate2023 Budget HearingPerformance Hearing CDBG #21-CV-131 PUBLIC COMMENT (Members of the audience will have five minutes to present any matter of concern to the Commission. No official action may be

Goodland Police Department VIN Procedure Changes

Goodland Police Department VIN Procedure Changes

website_admin Important Notices, Police Dept.

The Goodland Police Department has changed the process for VIN inspections. You no longer need to schedule an appointment if you want an inspection Monday through Friday. We will take any walk-ins. If you would like to make an appointment we will be happy to schedule that for you, but it is not nec

August 29, 2022 Joint Commission Meeting Agenda

August 29, 2022 Joint Commission Meeting Agenda

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Joint Commission AgendaSherman County - City of Goodland – City of Kanorado Monday, August 29, 2022 – 6:00 p.m.  1006 Center Ave., Goodland, KS CALL TO ORDERRoll CallPledge of Allegiance DiscussionSales Tax Ballot QuestionAnimal Control (No formal action will be taken.) A

Public Transportation Update (August 29, 2022)

Public Transportation Update (August 29, 2022)

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At this time, the public transportation van will begin running today at 10AM. For more information about Goodland Public Transportation, please visit Transportation Info

Update: Transportation Van

Update: Transportation Van

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Due to unforeseen circumstances the Van we are borrowing will not be here tomorrow to run. We are hoping for Monday!!

Transportation Van Back in Service on August 26, 2022

Transportation Van Back in Service on August 26, 2022

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Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the City of Goodland will be operating the Public Transit Van beginning at 10am on Friday, August 26, 2022. The old van is still out of service. Thomas County has loaned us a backup van so that we can resume providing transportation services. Transportat