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January 16, 2018 City Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS Dispatch Center Review Police Department Review 2017 CONSENT AGENDA 1-2-18 Commission Meeting Minutes 1-8-18 Special Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2018-02; 2

2018 Cemetery Board Meeting Schedule

website_admin Agendas

2018 Cemetery Board Meeting Schedule The Cemetery Board meets on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting location and time of day is different for the months of May, June, July and August...note that the May meeting is at the Cemetery Chapel but will be held at 5:30pm.  The Cemetery Board

January 8, 2018 City Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance PRESENTATIONS & PROCLAMATIONS Recognition of Outgoing City Commissioners Oath of Office and Installation of New City Commissioners FORMAL ACTIONS Election of Mayor Election of Vice-Mayor ADJOURNMENT Next Regular

December 18, 2017 Joint Commission Minutes

website_admin Minutes

GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Joint Meeting   December 18, 2017                                                                                                                      5:00

January 2, 2018 City Commission Agenda

website_admin Agendas

CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA 12-18-17 Joint Commission Meeting Minutes Appropriation Ordinances, 2018-01; 2018-01A; 2018-P01 BOARD & COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS Tree Board – Randy Gavin FORMAL ACTIONS NWKTC Sch

December 4, 2016 Commission Minutes

website_admin Minutes

GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting   December 4, 2017                                                                                                                        

December 18, 2017 City Commission/Joint Entity Agenda

website_admin Agendas

  CALL TO ORDER Goodland City Commission Sherman Board of County Commissioners USD 352 Board of Education CITY COMMISSION, COUNTY COMMISSION, SCHOOL BOARD Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP) Discussion/Action School Board Adjourns CITY COMMISSION, COUNTY COMMISSION Di

Resolution 1514

Resolution 1514

website_admin Resolutions

RESOLUTION NO. 1514   A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MUTUAL AID COMPENSATION POLICY FOR CITY OF GOODLAND UTILITIES WHEREAS,   the City of Goodland owns, operates and maintains a water, wastewater and electric utility; and   WHEREAS,   the City of Goodland, by Resolution No. 1376 did autho

Resolution 1513

Resolution 1513

website_admin Resolutions

RESOLUTION NO. 1513   A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE CITY OF GOODLAND PERSONNEL POLICIES MANUAL WHEREAS,   the City of Goodland Personnel Policies Manual (“Manual”) contains rules of general application concerning hiring, compensation, benefits, safety, and employment principles; and