October 2, 2023 Commission Minutes
GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 2, 2023 &n
GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 2, 2023 &n
CALL TO ORDERA. Roll CallB. Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT(Members of the audience will have five minutes to present any matter of concern to the Commission. No official action may be taken at this time.)A. Craig Loveless-GRMC Update CONSENT AGENDAA. 10/02/2023 Commission Meeting Minute
WATER CONSERVATION has become a hot topic in America. The City of Goodland would like to help educate and have some fun at the same time. Scattered around town are 5 posters with conservation tips. The first person to find these five posters and return this form back to the City of Goodland at 204
GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 18, 2023
WATER CONSERVATION has become a hot topic in America. The City of Goodland would like to help educate and have some fun at the same time. Scattered around town are 5 posters with conservation tips. The first person to find these five posters and return this form back to the City of Goodland at 204
CALL TO ORDERA. Roll CallB. Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT(Members of the audience will have five minutes to present any matter of concern to the Commission. No official action may be taken at this time.)Jeff-VFW CONSENT AGENDAA. 09/18/2023 Commission Meeting MinutesB. Appropriation Ord
With Flatlanders right around the corner, we would like to remind citizens to please not park on Main Street Friday night 09/29/2023. The Flatlanders crew will be starting to set up Saturday morning at 0600. Thank you so much for your help, please be safe and have a wonderful time this weekend!!
GOODLAND CITY COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 5, 2023
CALL TO ORDERA. Roll CallB. Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT(Members of the audience will have five minutes to present any matter of concern to the Commission. No official action may be taken at this time.)A. Craig Loveless-GRMC Update CONSENT AGENDAA. 09/05/2023 Commission Meeting Minute