
When I get steamed you’ll hear me shout!

Sami Windle Behind The Scenes, Treasures From The Collection

Tea and teapots can do many things.  A teapot can be an object we sing about in the form of a beloved children's song or it can help teach us we need to learn to control our tempers from the big screen.  Tea can calm an upset stomach, be a drink shared with friends, and help start a Revolution.

Let’s Get Cooperative!

Sami Windle Behind The Scenes, Treasures From The Collection

The Co-op in Goodland is place to get gas, food, coffee and of course deposit your grain.  You hear people say Co-op but do you know what it stands for or how it came about? (more…)

Speak Softly and Carry a Big Teddy Bear

Sami Windle Behind The Scenes, Treasures From The Collection

We all have that favorite childhood toy that saw us through scary nights and playtime.  For some it might have been G.I. Joe or Barbie and for some it might have been a teddy bear.  The teddy bear is 111 years old this year and was first made in 1902 because of a cartoon depicting President Theodo

The Twist … Nature’s Dance

Sami Windle 1 Comment Behind The Scenes, Treasures From The Collection

Summertime!  A time for BBQ’s, swimming, camp fires and fun in the sun.  It also means storms, which could turn severe.  We have already witnessed some of these devastating storms pass through Oklahoma.  Here in Goodland we have had our share of tornadoes and the High Plains Museum has several

Don’t You Look Dapper!

Sami Windle 1 Comment Behind The Scenes, Treasures From The Collection

Gentlemen, when dressing up for a formal event or a day at the office, what articles of clothing do you use?  Chances are you use a shirt with a collar and on your sleeves you have cuffs.  Do you use anything to close the cuffs?  Around the 17th Century men wanted a way to hold their cuffs togeth

Fans … no fanning matter

Sami Windle Behind The Scenes, Treasures From The Collection

Imagine it: you are in a crowded auditorium or outside listening to a summer concert when you suddenly become hot.  There is no air moving and all you have is bulletin.  What do you do?  If you're like most people your bulletin becomes a fan to help beat the heat!  Hand held fans work by increas

An Orbitin’ Good Time!

Sami Windle Events, News

Come by this Saturday, June 1st, for the Space Walk Program!  The Space Walk Program is a come and go event from 1:00 - 5:00 PM at the High Plains Museum.  This month we will be learning about our solar system and making planet mobiles!  Learn about the  planets, their sizes and what God or Godd

Where’s Orion? Consult the Galaxy Gizmo!

Sami Windle Behind The Scenes, Goodland's Treasures, Treasures From The Collection

Remember back to elementary school days and the fascinating objects the teacher used to help you learn.  It might have been the roll down maps on the blackboard, the globe or a galaxy planetary system.  The object featured today is a galaxy planetary system from 1881 built by the Thomas Kane &

A Whole New View

Sami Windle Exhibits

Have you been wondering how the High Plains Museum's current exhibit Earth From Space relates to you?  Earth From Space is a poster exhibit that features images captured by Landsats.  Landsats or land satellites orbit the Earth and take pictures from all over the planet.  These pictures include

June has Jupiter sized fun!

Sami Windle Events, News

June is filled with fun events at the High Plains Museum!  From seeing Earth from a new perspective to building a moon colony June will have events for the whole family! Currently showing at the High Plains Museum is the exhibit Earth From Space.  This is a poster exhibit from the Smithsonian t