Request For Bids

The City of Goodland has begun to use BidNet Direct for bid posting. We will continue to post bids on our website as well. The direct link to the City of Goodland’s BidNet Page is
Current Requests
- Request for Bids: Broom Street Sweeper (May 2024)REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS CITY OF GOODLAND, KANSAS One (1) CURRENT MODEL YEAR BROOM STREET SWEEPER STREET AND ALLEY DEPARTMENT General Information: Sealed bids will be received by the City of Goodland for the most current model year Broom Street Sweeper with full factory warranty for the Street and Alley Department. All bids must be received in the City Manager’s office on or before
- Request for Sealed Bids: Zero Turn Riding Mower (2024-03)REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS CITY OF GOODLAND, KANSAS Zero Turn Riding Mower Parks, Sewer & Street Departments GENERAL INFORMATION: Sealed bids will be received by the City of Goodland for one (1) RIDING MOWER. The City of Goodland reserves the right to waive minor technicalities under this specification. Federal and State laws supersede any conflicting part of this specification. The unit shall be a current